Our Mission Statement
Our mission statement governs the responsible cooperation between managers and employees, the interaction among the employees, and with external business partners.
It is the duty of the Business Management to structure the company in a sustainable manner, in order to insure the future viability. The implementation is a joint responsibility of the management, employees and the Works Council.
“We make the use of power safer for people.”
"We stand for a dialogue - in both directions. Between companies and customers. Between companies and suppliers. Between employees and executives. Between the company and the Works Council. Between employees."
"Employees are like our products – if they work properly, the company will also function. Therefore, the interaction with our employees is governed by the principles of equality, respect and openness."
"Precision and quality awareness are essential prerequisites to guarantee the required degree of safety. Compliance with rules and laws is crucial for both the technical implementation as well as the corporate behaviour."
"Just like our switches respond to altered basic conditions, we must also keep an eye on emerging changes. Decisions are not irreversible. We convert criticism into something positive.”
"The success of the company and the security of the jobs depends on the competitiveness of our products and services from the perspective of the customer. The key focus on success is a guarantee for sustainability. Individual interests must be subordinated to this grand endeavour."
"With our products we bypass resistors, interrupt circuits for safety purposes, and inform about conditions that should trigger certain reactions."