Microtherm do Brasil Ltda.
Rua Jairo Goís 33, Conjunto 41
São Paulo
SP CEP: 03004-010
+55 19 3882 2706
+55 19 99145 6963
The business operations of Microtherm GmbH with the manufacturing subsidiaries were taken over by Microtherm Sentronic GmbH as an independent company of the Prettl group of companies on December 1st, 2020. Please note that our website is therefore being revised. We are looking forward to accompany you in the future as Microtherm Sentronic with our innovative portfolio and the well-known contact persons. We are convinced of a good cooperation.
Rua Jairo Goís 33, Conjunto 41
São Paulo
SP CEP: 03004-010
+55 19 3882 2706
+55 19 99145 6963